Aberystwyth University
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Aberystwyth University joins Dates.ai
Welcome to dates.ai, the innovative dating app built specifically for the extraordinary students of Aberystwyth University. Forget the usual swiping, we have Eva, your proficient AI assist, turning dating into an intelligent and fascinating experience. All it takes is a simple chat with Eva, who will capture your specific interests and match preferences during the conversation, constructing your profile as you go along. Say goodbye to tedious swiping, and hello to intelligent dating.
Don't leave your dating life to the chance encounters in the Hugh Owen Library or the long queues at Starbucks. No more relying on vague plans to 'bump into someone' at the Arts Centre - with our app, you'll always know when and where your next romantic possibility awaits. So why wait for serendipity? Let us bring the magic of dating straight to your fingertips.
Imagine having a cosy conversation over coffee at Barista's or a sunset walk down the Cardigan Bay, hand-in-hand with your potential soulmate. Romantic, isn't it? Get on dates.ai today, and lets Eva transform your university life from academically engaging to romantically enchanting.