Hokkaido University

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Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University joins Dates.ai

Welcome to dates.ai, the premier dating app exclusively made for Hokkaido University students! We understand that you're busy perfecting your C++ code in the Engineering Building or conducting scientific research in Maruyama Park, so we've made it easier for you to connect, converse and kindle relationships with fellow Hokkaido U students.

Here at dates.ai, we put up a far different scene from those awkward encounters at the The Elm, hoping to run into maybe ‘the one’. With our revolutionary AI chatbot Eva, you no longer need to swipe left or right. Eva engages you in an intuitive and intimate conversation, collects insights about your interests, and thus builds an accurate profile that ensures potential matches are not just in the same university, but also share the same wavelength.

Forget the days of gauging someone's potential just by their smiles in the Library or across the table at the Café Miels De Bain; let Eva take the reins. So, prepare yourself for the first real date without all the guesswork, maybe even at the charming Ishiya Chocolate Factory! It's time to add an AI-assisted edge to dating; It's time to engage with dates.ai!