Polytechnic University of Milan

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Polytechnic University of Milan

Polytechnic University of Milan joins Dates.ai

Welcome to Dates.ai, the revolutionary dating app created exclusively for the vibrant, intellectually stimulating community at Polytechnic University of Milan. Say goodbye to those lacklustre, time-consuming swipes and say hello to Eva, our state-of-the-art AI chatbot. Engage in unique matchmaking conversations with Eva as she intelligently builds your profile, understanding your preferences more precisely than ever before, ensuring you don't have to rely on those accidental library run-ins anymore.

Dates.ai is designed to compliment your busy academic schedules. Whether you're contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos from the rooftops of Nave building or bleeding caffeine at the beloved Caffè della Pusterla, Dates.ai has got your back. Just pictured yourself sipping a doppio while nuzzling a philosophical debate on your first date? Well, Eva knows that too, and will be hard at work finding you the perfect match from within university bounds.

Let Dates.ai add a new chapter in your university story as you explore, engage, and form meaningful connections. Guided by Eva's intuitive understanding, find a partner that not only cherishes your love for espresso and equations but can keep up with the fast-paced rhythm of the Politecnico di Milano. Welcome to your new-age dating experience personalised by Dates.ai.!