Royal Veterinary College

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Royal Veterinary College

Royal Veterinary College joins

Are you tired of studying alone at the Royal Veterinary College and just hoping you bump into your future partner in the library stacks? Discover, the exclusive dating app for RVC students like you. Our intuitive AI matchmaking chatbot, Eva, knows trying to find a match between intensive veterinary lessons, late-night coffee runs to the "Tried and True" café, and competing vet-assist opportunities can be overwhelming.

At, we simplify the process of finding a like-minded companion. With a natural, conversational approach, Eva builds your dating profile during a relaxed, engaging chat. No awkward questionnaires or time-consuming details to fill out. Imagine a friendly discussion of your preferences, interests, hobbies, and more carried out with an intelligent algorithm that knows what to ask and how to interpret your answers.

No more mindless swiping or vetting through endless profiles. Eva leverages AI technology to match you with another RVC student based on shared interests, course schedules, and even coffee preferences at local spots. So go ahead, let Eva help you find that perfect study (or coffee) partner, and let love find you when you least expect it - even outside the library! Experience the new breed of dating with, where intelligent matchmaking is a conversation away.