Utrecht University
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Utrecht University joins Dates.ai
Welcome to dates.ai, your dedicated, friendly solution to dating at Utrecht University! Gone are the days of anxiously waiting for a chance encounter in the Uithof Library or idling in front of the vending machines at Educatorium. With our innovative AI matchmaking chatbot, Eva, you no longer have to spend hours swiping through random profiles.
Uniquely catered to the dynamic life of a Utrecht University student, Eva is much more than an algorithm. Witness a conversation transform into a potentially perfect match. Hang out at your favourite local spots like The Basket or Blackbird Coffee & Vintage, without the fear of missing an opportunity as Eva already took care of the hard part, so you can focus on the connection and conversation.
Studying at Utrecht University presents abundant opportunities not only for academic growth and professional development, but also for building meaningful relationships. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to navigate your romantic path and enjoy the university experience like never before. Trust Eva, embrace the future of dating, only at dates.ai. Start your journey now.